Monday, December 29, 2008

Exercise and a spot for reflection and healing.

Well, the end of 2008 turned out to be a very hurtful, confusing and trying time in my life. I've been finding myself back in a place of deep reflection and self-evaluation. I've learned more about myself in the last three months than ever in my life and feel that I've made some good personal growth in a lot of areas. It was brought to my attention a few months ago, and rightfully so, that I've really been neglecting my physical health. I just haven't been getting out enough. My job and fairly consistent money issues always seem to distract me from getting out and enjoying just breathing the fresh air. Two months ago, I put on some heavy clothes and started riding my bike again. It felt really good and I've been continuing it ever since (save for that crazy blizzard we had for a week.) Along my journeys biking around my neighborhood, I found a great little spot that I've been using as a place of personal reflection. It's a circle of trees on the local community college campus. Almost looks like something out of Lord of the Rings. It's quiet and very peaceful.

Work on my first symphony...

For about 6 months now I've been working on a large orchestral piece. I've written for many ensembles in the past and love to write for large groups, but this is my first for a full symphony. I've been trying to write something akin to a 1940's movie murder mystery, told entirely with music. So far, things are progressing very nicely. Once it's done, the hard part is getting someone to perform it, but I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get there. I'll post some samples in later posts.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

House Remodel (Continues...)

Two years ago I bought this condo thinking that I would be selling it at this point. Of course, with the economy the way it is, not quite yet. Slowly but surely, however, I've been upgrading here and there. I spent the past 2 months working on sanding and re-staining the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. I chose a reddish stain, since I have a number of sponged yellow walls. The colors look good and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I also installed some pull-out drawers in one of the lower cabinets to store canned goods and non-parishables. Hopefully they'll help to organize things better. Next step...redo the floors.

Kitchen Drawer Pantry

Kitchen Cabinets (Before/After)

Bathroom Cabinets (Before/After)

New Kitchen Faucet

My Nephew's First Christmas

Well, here I go with my first post. My nephew Tristan celebrated his first Christmas this year. He's 8 months old and not quite sure what to make of it all, but he did a good job keeping us all focused on his cuteness. A highlight of the day was a puppy stuffed toy that (of course) talks and sings and pretty much displays all it's technological wonderment at the mere touch of a finger. He's on the verge of walking and I was really hoping that he'd take his first step before I left, but alas no. I realize that he's slightly too young, but still I was hopeful. His parents, my brother and his wife, are becoming quite the excellent parents and it was good to see them smiling at their new baby boy. My parents and my youngest brother were there too, having a pretty low key Christmas, but full of family and love.