Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years Weekend

Well, New Year Eve was better than I thought it would be. I had a good time playing games with some friends. I did some more biking and I've been venturing out a little further with each ride. This area is pretty hilly and I'm still getting my body to cooperate with this "winter exercise" thing... I came across a cool fountain I hadn't noticed before. I'm hoping to work up enough skills to make it to a great place just a few miles from here. A McMinemin's (A Portland Brewery chain) that's up in the middle of nowhere a few miles from here...I'm pretty sure that I could make it there at this point, but not quite sure I could make it back! :) I also spent a lot of time this weekend journelling. I didn't really think I would be into it, but it feels really to good to write...helps me process. I countinue to learn more and more about myself with everyday. I know this sounds a bit cheesy, but I'm finding that I can see my own faults a lot clearer these days. 2009 will be a good year to work on those. Bring it on...I say!


  1. Cool fountain! I think it's great that you are biking. I had some disapointments in 08 as well so I'm with you on 2009 being a good year! A-K

  2. Glad you had a fun New Year's, Eric! Apologies that I have been checked out - Gerik and I just returned from a two week adventure in Panama where we brought in our New Year. I can't wait to get out and do some riding and no worries, I am all down with the winter biking gig. Perhaps next weekend?!

    Thinking about you,

